How To Listen 

Mobile Apps below are now provided free to you (and to us!) by a 3rd party who supports many online radio stations like ours, this means we have no control over the apps. Small adverts may appear to pay for the cost & general upkeep. 


Shout "PLAY THE ENGLISH 909 FREEDOM RADIO" at it and hope for the best.


To enable The English 909 Freedom Radio Skill: 

1. Open the Alexa App or speak to the little sod & ask it to enable us
2. Tap on the more section in the lower right hand corner. 
3. Tap on Skills and Games. 
4. Using the magnifying glass at the top, type in The English 909 Freedom Radio and click search. 

You will see an icon for the skill. Tap on the icon then tap on Launch. 

 Please remember once you've finished listening to us, remove the plug from the wall. 

Think privacy & monitoring - It's really important! 



  Apparently you can easily find us on modern TV's, in the car and on the go with Deezer. 

These are just a few examples, but do a general search for us online you'll find many more fantastic streaming apps who support us. 

Know about a radio steaming app or website that we're not available on? Please let us know so we can work our magic (apart from TuneIn - we won't go there!) Get in touch


Want to add us to your website as a widget? 

Well thanks... We're chuffed! Please see the bottom of this page for the widget link to embed into your website. Once you're done, do get in touch with the station enclosing website details and we'll send you a little gift to say thank you. 


Having problems listening? 

Let's try and help.. 

1. Check your Data/WIFI connection. 

2. Delete cookies/cache. 

3. Avoid using other apps such as Telegram, Twitter or Facebook whilst trying to listen on your mobile. This can interrupt any live radio stream. 

4. Try one of the above streaming links for a better performance. 

5. Use a different device. 

6. Some 'privacy' browsers especially DuckDuckGo find streaming radio stations a little difficult, so please try a different browser. 

Now Available: 

IOS App Store 

Roku TV 

Fire TV App 


Android TV App 

Apple TV App 

Google Home Action 

Any questions get in touch here

Embed 'The English 909 Radio' to your website.

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